The nervous system of Scoliodon consists of three parts :
1. Central nervous system.
2. Peripheral nervous system.
3. Autonomic nervous system.
1. Central Nervous System of Scoliodon
- It includes the brain and spinal cord of the Scoliodon.
A. The Brain of Scoliodon

- The brain of Scoliodon lies enclosed within the chondrocranium.
- It is covered with meninges.
- It is made of the same three basic parts forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain.
I) Forebrain
- It is the anterior part of the brain.
- It is subdivided into two parts and they are cerebrum and diencephalon.
a) Cerebrum
- It is also known as the cerebral hemisphere.
- It is the anteriormost part of the brain as well as the forebrain.
- It is undivided and has no mid-dorsal groove indicating the right and left cerebral hemispheres of higher vertebrate animals.
- From either antero-lateral side of the cerebrum arises an olfactory lobe.
- The midventral portion of the cerebrum has a small aperture called the neuropore.
- A terminal nerve comes out of each neuropore to innervate the mucous membrane of the olfactory sacs.
b) Diencephalon
- Diencephalon is located posterior to the cerebrum.
- It is completely hidden by the cerebellum.
- The roof of the diencephalon is called the anterior choroid plexus.
- A pineal body or epiphysis of unknown function is present at the mid-dorsal region of the diencephalon.
- Ventrally, at the anterior margin of the diencephalon, lies the optic chiasma.
- The optic chiasma is formed by the crossing of the two optic nerves.
- Just behind the chiasma, the floor gives off the infundibulum.
II) Midbrain
- It is the middle portion of the brain.
- It consists of a pair of large and rounded option lobes or corpora bigemina.
- Optic lobes are mainly responsible for the sense of sight.
- The oculomotor and trochlear cranial nerves arise from the midbrain.
III) Hindbrain
- It is the posterior portion of the brain.
- It comprises two parts, cerebellum and medulla oblongata.
a) Cerebellum
- It is rhomboidal in shape.
- The dorsal surface of the cerebellum shows irregular folds
- It is divided into three lobes by two transverse furrows.
- Sometimes, a median longitudinal furrow may also divide the cerebellum into right and left halves.
- It is the center of co-ordination of body movement.
b) Medulla Oblongata
- It is the posteriormost part of the brain.
- It is triangular in shape.
- It continues posteriorly into the spinal cord.
- V, VI, VII, VII, IX and X cranial nerves arise from the medulla oblongata.
B. Spinal Cord of Scoliodon
- The spinal cord extends from the medulla oblongata almost to the end of the tail.
- It is protected by the neural canal of vertebrae.
- In structure, it resembles that of higher vertebrates in having dorsal and ventral fissures, central canal, and inner grey and outer white matter.
2. Peripheral Nervous System of Scoliodon
- It includes cranial nerves and spinal nerves of the Scoliodon.
A. Cranial Nerves of Scoliodon
- The brain gives off 10 pairs of cranial nerves.
- They are identified by their serial Roman numbers as well as names.
All ten pairs of cranial nerves of Scoliodon are given below:-
Serial | Name | Type | Origin | Distribution |
I | Olfactory nerves | Sensory | Olfactory lobe | Olfactory sac. |
II | Optic nerves | Sensory | Optic thalamus or ventral side of the diencephalon | The retina of the eye. |
III | Oculomotor nerves | Motor | Ventral surface of the midbrain | Recti and oblique muscles of eye. |
IV | Trochlear or Pathetic nerves | Motor | Dorso-laterally from midbrain | Oblique muscles of the eye. |
V | Trigeminal nerves | Mixed | Antero-lateral side of the medulla oblongata | Snout, upper & lower jaws, tongue, etc. |
VI | Abducens nerves | Motor | Midventrally from
medulla oblongata |
Recti muscles of the eye. |
VII | Facial nerves | Mixed | Medulla oblongata | Ampullae of Lorenzini., snout, buccal cavity, throat, mandible, etc. |
VIII | Auditory nerves | Sensory | Medulla oblongata | membranous
labyrinth(internal ear). |
IX | Glossopharyngeal
nerves |
Mixed | Ventrolaterally from the medulla oblongata | Pharynx |
X | Vagus nerves | Mixed | Posterior lateral side of the medulla oblongata | Heart, digestive tract, neuromast organs, pharynx, etc. |
B. Spinal Nerves of Scoliodon
- Several pairs of spinal nerves arise from spinal cord.
- Each nerve, originates by two roots, a sensory dorsal root and a motor ventral root.
- Each spinal nerve divides into three branches; ramus dorsalis, ramus ventralis and ramus communicans.
3. Autonomic Nervous System of Scoliodon
- It includes a series of paired and irregularly arranged ganglia in the dorsal wall of posterior cardinal sinuses, and in dorsal parts of kidneys.
- The gastric ganglion is the largest ganglion.
- There is usually one ganglion in each segment.
———– THE END ———-
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