In this article of Labeo rohita, we will learn about the urinogenital system of Labeo rohita. Labeo rohita is a carp fish whose common name is Rohu or Rui.
What is Urinogenital System ?
Urinogenital system is a system of the vertebrates which is concern with the urinary(excretory) and reproductive system. The organs that is concern with the excretion is called the excretory organs and the organs that is concern with the reproduction is called the reproductive organs. Both excretory and reproductive organs form the urinogenital system.
Diagram of Urinogenital System of Labeo rohita

Urinogenital System of Labeo rohita
As mentioned above. the urinogenital system of Labeo rohita is divided into two systems. They are the excretory system and the reproductive system. The excretory system and the reproductive system are described below-
A. Excretory System
- The main excretory organ of Labeo rohita is kidney.
- There are two kidneys present.
- They are mesonephric or opisthonephric type.
- They are elongated and brownish in color.
- The kidneys are located just beneath the vertebral column in the abdominal cavity.
- The anterior end of the kidneys are free and they are called head kidneys.
- Head kidneys are non-renal and pronephric. They contain lymph tissue and do not participate in the excretion.
- The middle and the posterior part of the kidneys are renal part and contain uriniferous tubules.
- Ureters arise from the kidneys and they transport the nitrogenous waste materials to the posterior end of the kidneys.
- The two ureters unite to form the urinary bladder.
- The urinary bladder is mesodermal in origin.
- The urinary bladder is not homologus to the urinary bladder of the tetrapods.
- Urinary bladder is thin walled and the excretory fluid is temporarily stored here.
- The excretory fluid expelled out through the urinary aperture.
B. Reproductive System
I) Male Reproductive System
- Two elongated testes lie posteriorly in the abdominal cavity beneath the air sac.
- These testes are attached to the body wall by the folds of the peritoneum called mesorchia.
- During the breeding season, each testes become enlarged and turn pink.
- A pair of gonoducts formed by the peritoneum is called sperm ducts.
- Both sperm ducts unite posteriorly to form the genital duct.
- The genital duct later opens to the exterior through the genital aperture.
II) Female Reproductive System
- Two elongated ovaries lie posteriorly in the abdominal cavity beneath the air sac.
- These ovaries are attached to the body wall by the folds of the peritoneum called mesovaria.
- During the breeding season, each ovary becomes enlarged.
- A pair of gonoducts formed by the peritoneum is called oviducts.
- Both oviducts unite posteriorly to form the genital duct.
- The genital duct later opens to the exterior through the genital aperture.
III) Process of Reproduction
- Labeo rohita is oviparous fish.
- The female lays thousand of eggs.
- Eggs are small, yolky and sink to the bottom.
- After releasing the eggs, the male fertilize them by releasing sperm over the eggs.
- Thus the reproduction is external.
————-THE END————–
Read more:
- Respiratory System of Labeo rohita with Diagram | Rohu
- External Morphology of Labeo rohita | Rohu | Diagram
- Digestive System of Labeo rohita | Rohu | Diagram
- Labeo rohita – Rohu / Rui
- General Characters of All Classes of Vertebrates.